Researcher, Software Developer, Writer

So I wanted a vertical menu on that just lists the pages (of which there are only two).

This is a simple website. I don’t want it to look fancy, I just want it to showcase the other websites we’ve done.

Well ok, I do want it to look fancy but I can’t spare the time so looking error-free will have to do.

I designed a simple vertical menu as part of my Artisteer theme. Installed it. The vertical menu remained unstyled.

The following message appeared on the WordPress admin menu screen: “The current theme does not natively support menus, but you can use the “Custom Menu” widget to add any menus you create here to the theme’s sidebar.”

Ok, well I thought it did natively support menus, but whatever. I spent a bit of time fooling about with the Custom Menu widget. Eventually found this Artisteer help page. (Read the “Creating Vertical Menu” bit.)

To summarise: For a simple vertical menu like mine you need to choose ‘Pages’ as the Vertical Menu Source in the Export Options. You also – and this is the bit I missed – need to use a ‘Vertical Menu’ WordPress widget in the Widgets screen. Ignore the ‘Custom Menu’ suggestion made by WordPress.

Oh, I’m using WordPress 3.4.2 and Artisteer 3.1. I’m looking forward to upgrading to Artisteer 4 but with a client demo today, I don’t want to risk breaking anything.

2 Responses to Artisteer, WordPress and Vertical ******* Menus

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Ita Ryan

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